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Quick Styptic Blood Stopper | Four Paws

Regular price $12.89

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Four Paws Quick Styptic Blood Stopper is a great additive to your first aid kit. Even a pet owner can accidentally overcut an animal's claws. Ever tried to stem the profusion of blood from a punctured paw? The Quick Styptic Blood Stopper will stop the flow of blood in seconds.The Four Paws Quick Styptic Blood Stopper is designed to quickly and safely staunch minor bleeding. This antiseptic astringent is affordable and easy to use, with a moistened cotton-tipped applicator. Application of the styptic can also help shorten the severity of hemorrhage in an emergency.The formula is safe for use on dogs, cats and birds. Nail cutting, wing clipping and minor cuts, this product will come in handy for everyday nicks and cuts your pet might encounter.