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Tick Scoop Keychain | AtlanTick

Regular price $6.99

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Remove Ticks Properly: The Atlantick Repellent Products® Tick Scoop Remover Keychain uses natural forward leverage to extract the tick quickly and safely. Removes ticks of every size for your self-defence against ticks without touching them to minimize the risk of infection.

This tick safety tool keychain will work to remove ticks from any of your loved ones; whether they have 2 legs or 4. No more brushing fur away to try to squeeze out a stubborn tick. Press the Tick Scoop as close to your skin as possible. Using even pressure, slide and pry the tick out. 


A must-have for your Outdoor Adventures: Take the AtlanTick Tick Scoop Remover with you wherever you go as your key ring and enjoy nature with the peace of mind afforded by an intuitive, reliable tick removal tool.

  • This tick remover tool measures 6-inch length by 4-inch width by 1-inch height.
  • The tick scoop tick remover is safe, effective, easy-to-use and reusable.
  • Helps reduce risk of disease; veterinarian and physician endorsed.
  • A specially designed scoop notch grabs the tick at skin level and removes the tick completely in one motion.
  • Bowl-shaped end keychain securely contains the tick for easy disposal.